This weekend is Super Bowl Sunday which usually means lots of fun, friends but also lots of calories. Did you know that people consume on average of over 2400 calories just at the Superbowl party alone? If you want to keep the day healthy, check out some of my tips:
1. Get in a Good Morning Workout: Get your heart racing with a good workout. Having a great workout not only revs your metabolism but puts you in a healthy mindset for the rest of the day. **Don’t use working out as an excuse to overindulge.
2. Make Sure To Eat Breakfast: Just because it’s the Superbowl, you should not skip breakfast in attempts to save your calories for the game. Skipping breakfast will cause you to be hungrier later on, making you more likely to overindulge. Eating a good, fiber and protein-rich breakfast will get your metabolism started early and keep you feeling satisfied. *Check out my youtube video on healthy breakfast ideas.
3. Don’t Snack As You Cook: If you are the host you are likely to be spending some time in the kitchen. But, be careful not to pick at the food you’re preparing, as those extra calories can add up. People often underestimate how much they are actually eating when they pick at the food as they make it. Snack on veggies if you feel the need to snack!
4. Bring something healthy: Going to a friends house? Offer to bring a veggie plate or a vegetable side.If you know they are only going to have wings and pizza as the meal, don’t be afraid to eat something ahead of time, or even bring some grilled chicken or shrimp.
5. Eat every 3-4 hours – in general you should never skip meals or snacks and Super Bowl is no exception. After breakfast, have something healthy every 3-4 hours until game time. This was you are not ravenous and can make healthy choices.
6. Eat Slowly: Eating slower not only gives you more time to savor and enjoy your food, but you will actually end up eating less because you’ll feel fuller sooner.